Save up to 30% on heat­ing en­ergy with the power of In­tel­li­gent Al­gorithm: Meet Heat­Pi­lot.

Heat­Pi­lot op­tim­ises your heat­ing sys­tem ef­fort­lessly and af­ford­ably. Re­duce your car­bon foot­print and costs with ease.

Save up to 30% on en­ergy costs

24/7 AI-​driven boiler op­tim­isa­tion and mon­it­or­ing

In­stant re­mote alarms for vari­ous events

Water safety with anti-​legionella treat­ment con­trol

In­teg­rates into any boiler room

Trans­form your heat­ing sys­tem into an in­tel­li­gent and ef­fi­cient ma­chine with Heat­Pi­lot, our in­nov­at­ive smart heat man­age­ment mod­ule powered by In­tel­li­gent Al­gorithm.

By ana­lys­ing data on heat de­mand and ex­ternal tem­per­at­ures, Heat­Pi­lot auto­mat­ic­ally de­term­ines the op­timum heat­ing curve to en­sure pre­cise and op­tim­ised heat­ing. Say good­bye to en­ergy waste and hello to lower costs and re­duced CO₂ emis­sions – all while en­joy­ing a per­fectly heated build­ing.

Heat­Pi­lot – ista's AI-​driven heat man­age­ment mod­ule.

Max­im­ise your en­ergy sav­ings and re­duce your car­bon foot­print with Heat­Pi­lot – the ul­ti­mate solu­tion for op­tim­ising any heat­ing sys­tem. Heat­Pi­lot's cutting-​edge tech­no­logy provides you with trans­par­ency, plan­ning se­cur­ity and con­veni­ence in the most cost-​effective way pos­sible. Do not miss out on the op­por­tun­ity to re­volu­tion­ise your en­ergy usage – choose Heat­Pi­lot and join the sus­tain­able en­ergy re­volu­tion!

Up­grade any heat­ing sys­tem

In­teg­rates eas­ily into any ex­ist­ing sys­tem.

Com­pact mod­ule design

It will fit into any boiler en­vir­on­ment.

Full cov­er­age of as­sembly and op­er­a­tion

We take care of com­mis­sion­ing the mod­ule.
The picture shows a modern residential complex with several white, multi-storey residential buildings standing on the left and right side of a paved path. The buildings have balconies with dark railings, and some balconies are decorated with plants and furniture. A wide, paved footpath stretches between the buildings and continues into the distance. On the left side of the path are lush green areas and colourful flowerbeds that embellish the space between the buildings. On the right-hand side of the path, young trees are planted at regular intervals, forming a green avenue together with manicured lawns. Other buildings can be seen in the background, completing the urban surroundings of the residential complex. The sky is clear and blue, indicating a sunny day. Overall, the picture conveys a calm and pleasant living atmosphere in a modern, well-maintained environment.

Up­date your heat­ing sys­tem with Heat­Pi­lot – bet­ter per­form­ance & less ex­penses.

Do not miss out on max­im­ising your en­ergy sav­ings and com­fort with our com­pre­hens­ive heat man­age­ment ser­vice. Let Heat­Pi­lot op­tim­ise your heat­ing sys­tem and start sav­ing today!