Optimise your residential properties with our advanced electricity meter.

Efficiently track, control, and reduce your energy consumption.

Real-time energy monitoring

Cost-effective energy management

Easy installation and maintenance

Enhanced sustainability

ista’s electricity meter of ista provides homeowners and residential property managers with a revolutionary way to monitor and optimise electricity use, leading to considerable savings and increased energy efficiency.

Offering instant access to energy consumption data, it empowers residents to pinpoint and eliminate unnecessary energy use. This pro-active strategy not only lowers electricity bills, but also supports environmental sustainability by reducing energy waste.

Maximise residential energy efficiency with precision metering.

Our electricity meter introduces a new standard in precise electricity monitoring for residential properties. It delivers in-depth insights into household energy patterns, allowing homeowners and property managers to make well-informed energy usage decisions.

The advantages are clear: notable cost savings, enhanced household energy efficiency, and a solid step towards greener living. Equipped with features like live data tracking, user-friendly interfaces, and straightforward installation, the electricity meter is an essential tool for any home aiming to refine its energy use.

Precision monitoring

Delivers accurate, real-time data on electricity use.

Cost efficiency

Reduces energy costs through detailed usage analysis.

Sustainability impact

Helping residential properties reduce their environmental footprint.
The Image shows a young man with a dark blue shirt, sitting relaxed on a table right by a window on the right side of the picture. He is smiling while looking outside, because with ista, his electricity billing is simplified and still precise, making it an effortless billing experience.

Take control of your electricity consumption.

Gain unparalleled insights and control over your energy usage.

How does it work

The electricity meter uses advanced metering technology to provide detailed and accurate measurements of electricity consumption in real time. It is designed for easy integration into existing electrical systems, requiring minimal installation effort. The device connects to a central monitoring system, where energy usage data is collected, analysed and reported. This allows for the automatic and efficient management of energy consumption, offering both immediate insights and long-term analysis capability. Through its sophisticated technology, the power meter empowers residential property owners to make informed decisions about energy use, ultimately leading to cost savings and enhanced sustainability.