The picture shows a man sitting on a balcony in an urban environment. He is wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt and is sitting relaxed at a small black table on the lower half in the centre of the picture. On the table in front of him are a laptop, a notepad with a pen and a coffee mug. The man has rested his legs on the balcony railing and is holding a telephone in his left hand while talking on the phone. The balcony is richly decorated with plants. On the left of the picture, climbing plants stretch up the wall, taking up almost the entire left side of the picture. Below the climbing plants are several pots of flowering plants and greenery arranged along the floor of the balcony. Above the man, stretched across the balcony, is a string of lights with several light bulbs that extends from the top left-hand corner to the right-hand side of the picture. In the background you can see a row of multi-storey buildings in various shades of yellow stretching across the top and centre of the picture. Behind the buildings is a park-like landscape with many trees that further break up the background. The sun seems to be either rising or setting, giving the picture a warm, golden glow. The view from the balcony extends over the roofs of the city.

Legal com­pli­ance: The key to a stress-​free prop­erty.

En­sure com­pli­ance with en­ergy reg­u­la­tions, re­duce risks, and un­lock fund­ing op­por­tun­it­ies with our ex­pert team. Rest easy know­ing your prop­erty is not only com­pli­ant but also driv­ing a greener fu­ture.

Min­im­ise legal risks

Avoid pen­al­ties and fines

Future-​proof your prop­erty

Con­trib­ute to a sus­tain­able fu­ture

Na­tion­wide cov­er­age wherever you are

ista – your trus­ted part­ner for your prop­erty com­pli­ance.

We un­der­stand nav­ig­at­ing com­plex and ever-​changing reg­u­la­tions can be a daunt­ing task. Fur­ther­more, fail­ure to com­ply with en­ergy ef­fi­ciency stand­ards can lead to costly pen­al­ties and legal ac­tion, not to men­tion repu­ta­tional dam­age. 

That is where we come in – our team of ex­perts can nav­ig­ate the reg­u­lat­ory land­scape with ease, provid­ing peace of mind and pro­tect­ing your prop­erty. Trust ista to be your com­pli­ance part­ner and stream­line your prop­erty man­age­ment needs today.

Es­sen­tial ser­vices your prop­erty needs now.

With our com­pre­hens­ive ser­vices, you can rest easy know­ing that your billing and util­ity ex­penses are taken care of, leav­ing you free to focus on other im­port­ant as­pects of prop­erty man­age­ment.

The picture shows a woman sitting on a couch and reading the ista heating bill. She has long blonde hair and is wearing black glasses. Her top is a blue shirt and she is wearing brown trousers. While she holds the heating bill in her left hand, her right hand rests on her chin. She looks directly into the camera. The beige couch on which she is sitting stretches across the entire lower third of the picture and has a white blanket draped over the back on the left with a yellow cushion leaning against it. In the background are various pieces of furniture that suggest a living room: A floor lamp and a shelf can be seen on the right, and in the centre an open two-part door leading into another room with bookshelves. The entire background is blurred.

Heat Cost Al­loc­a­tion

Al­loc­ate heat­ing costs fairly among res­id­ents.

The image depicts a man sitting at a round table in a well-lit office space. There is a glass of water and a small espresso cup on the table, adding to the professional yet comfortable atmosphere. The man is smiling and engaged with the water consumption billing from ista on his laptop, taking notes in a notebook. He is wearing a blue button-down shirt and glasses. The background features a flip chart, potted plants, modern furniture, and large windows allowing natural light to flood the room.

Water Billing

Save time and money with re­mote meter­ing and trans­par­ent water billing solu­tions.

The Image shows a young man with a dark blue shirt, sitting relaxed on a table right by a window on the right side of the picture. He is smiling while looking outside, because with ista, his electricity billing is simplified and still precise, making it an effortless billing experience.

Elec­tri­city Billing

Con­trol elec­tri­city costs with pre­cise billing, in­voicing, and re­mote meter man­age­ment.

The picture shows a woman sitting peacefully on her couch and looking at her phone while smiling. background of the picture ist slightly blurred but you can still distinguish is a white modern kitchen with a white stone wall. On the stone wall are two simple shelves with food containers and to the right of them on the wall is an extractor bonnet. On the right-hand side of the picture, three wall cabinets can be seen, two of which have glass fronts. Underneath you can see a counter with two white chairs. On the counter is a vase with decorative flowers. In the foreground you can see the upper part of a light grey couch on which an elderly lady is sitting. She has a grey bob, black glasses and is wearing a blue shirt and light blue jeans. The lady is smiling at her mobile phone she is holding in her hand, with which she can easily and conveniently use ista's SmartPay option.

Smart­Pay Pre­pay­ment Billing

Man­age pay­ments with 24/7 ac­cess, and ver­sat­ile pay­ment op­tions.

The picture shows a row of narrow but tall terraced houses. The terraced houses have alternating grey and white façades. On the left you can see a house with a white façade and on the far right a house with a grey façade. They are also always built at different heights, so that there are never two houses of the same height next to each other. All the houses have a large square window front in the upper half, consisting of 30 small square windows. The window front of the fourth house from the right is the only one covered by a blind. All of the houses have four individual windows under the fronts, with two on the left and two on the right below each other. Above the houses you can see the almost completely cloudless blue sky. In the foreground in front of the houses you can see a lawn with many bushes and a total of four trees, three of which can be seen on the left at the edge of the picture and one tree on the right.

Meter­ing Tech­no­lo­gies

Ad­vanced tech­no­lo­gies for re­li­able util­ity track­ing and man­age­ment.

Min­im­ise risk with our health and safety ser­vices.

We un­der­stand that health and safety are top pri­or­it­ies for prop­erty man­agers and own­ers. That is why we offer a range of com­pre­hens­ive health and safety-​focused prop­erty ser­vices to help min­im­ise risk and en­sure the safety and well-​being of the oc­cu­pants.

The picture shows a modern residential complex with several white, multi-storey residential buildings standing on the left and right side of a paved path. The buildings have balconies with dark railings, and some balconies are decorated with plants and furniture. A wide, paved footpath stretches between the buildings and continues into the distance. On the left side of the path are lush green areas and colourful flowerbeds that embellish the space between the buildings. On the right-hand side of the path, young trees are planted at regular intervals, forming a green avenue together with manicured lawns. Other buildings can be seen in the background, completing the urban surroundings of the residential complex. The sky is clear and blue, indicating a sunny day. Overall, the picture conveys a calm and pleasant living atmosphere in a modern, well-maintained environment.

Heat­ing Op­tim­isa­tion

Op­tim­ise heat­ing sys­tems for en­hanced ef­fi­ciency and sav­ings.

The picture shows two men looking intently at a laptop. The man on the left has curly, dark hair and a beard, while the man on the right has shorter, lighter-coloured hair. Both are wearing shirts, with the man on the left wearing a dark-coloured shirt and the man on the right a light-coloured shirt. They appear to be engaged in a conversation and are possibly working on a project together. There are blurred green leaves in the foreground, suggesting a leafy or natural environment. The background is blurred, but it can be recognised that they are in a modern office or workspace. You can dimly make out office furniture and shelving, suggesting a professional environment.

Com­pli­ance Re­port­ing & Billing

Sim­plify com­pli­ance with tailored solu­tions for ac­cur­ate en­ergy meter­ing and billing.

The picture shows a smiling woman with blonde hair and glasses standing in a modern office. She is wearing a cream-coloured blouse and has her arms crossed in front of her chest. The woman is in the centre of the picture. Behind her, a wall is covered with lush green foliage growing in a wooden frame. This green wall takes up the left part of the background and gives the room a natural and lively atmosphere. To the right of the woman, along the right side of the painting, is a window front that allows plenty of natural light into the room. The windows show a view of the roofs and the surroundings outside the building. A blur is visible in the foreground of the picture, possibly created by a glass surface or reflection. This blurring gives the image a certain depth and a modern photographic effect. The whole scene conveys an image of a modern, well-lit and green working environment that is both professional and inviting.

En­ergy Debt Man­age­ment

En­sure pre­cise billing and se­cure debt re­cov­ery with our ser­vice.

The picture shows a close-up of the eye area of a person wearing square, black glasses. The person is looking from the right side of the picture to the left. You can only see the person's left eye, which is grey-blue and surrounded by dark eyelashes. The focus of the picture is on the recognisable eye, the rest of the picture is blurry.

Data Col­lec­tion

Boost ef­fi­ciency with smart util­ity data col­lec­tion for your prop­er­ties.

Take the first step to­wards legal com­pli­ance.

In­nov­at­ive solu­tions that de­liver res­ults.

Our di­gital solu­tions are de­signed to help our cli­ents re­duce their en­vir­on­mental im­pact, im­prove health and safety in their build­ings, and re­duce en­ergy costs.

The picture shows a green, wide and tall meadow with large green trees on the edge of the horizon in the upper third of the picture and a girl running through the meadow. From the upper edge in the centre, bright yellow rays of sunlight stretch across the middle of the picture and bathe it in warm light. In the centre of the picture, a little girl in a knee-length, sleeveless white dress is walking across the meadow with her back to the viewer. Her long blonde hair blows away from her body to the left as she moves. In addition, as she runs, her left arm is loosely behind her back and her left foot is bent upwards so that the entire underside of her foot can be seen at the end of her dress.

Be eco-​friendly

Green solu­tions to make your prop­erty sus­tain­able.

The picture shows a young man leaning against a glass railing and holding a small tablet with a white cover in his hand. He is smiling and looking into the distance. The man has short brown hair and a short brown beard and is wearing a beige suit with a white t-shirt underneath. Since the photo was taken from a frog's-eye view, you can see a tall, modern office building made of light-coloured stone with four rows of large windows in the background.

Be en­ergy ef­fi­cient and cut costs

Smart solu­tions for smarter sav­ings.