The Image shows a young man with a dark blue shirt, sitting relaxed on a table right by a window on the right side of the picture. He is smiling while looking outside, because with ista, his electricity billing is simplified and still precise, making it an effortless billing experience.

Precision to simplify your electricity billing.

ista brings clarity and control to your electricity costs.

Be compliant with regulations

Effortless invoicing

Accurate and transparent billing

No more site visits with remote metering

Are you dealing with complex billing? ista has the answer!

In the commercial property sector, navigating the intricacies of electricity billing demands a meticulous, detail-focused approach. Traditional methods often lead to inaccuracies and extra paperwork.

ista’s electricity billing service rises to the challenge of commercial billing, providing a precise, automated solution that makes sure every kilowatt is accounted for. It gives you simplified billing procedure and comprehensive insight into energy usage in your properties.

Switch to ista to make your electricity billing streamlined and stress-free.

Compliance assured stay ahead of regulations with our compliant billing system.

Step into the future of electricity billing with ista’s cutting edge service, specifically designed for clarity, efficiency, and savings. Our system provides a comprehensive overview of your energy costs, driving smarter, cost-effective management across your commercial property portfolio.

Our smart and future-proof devices for a smoother experience.

Installing our comprehensive solutions and cutting-edge technology makes managing your property simpler than ever. Discover more about the products and services that enhance the ista eco-system for your property.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the water-meter from ista depicted.

Water Meter

Smart hot and cold-water meter

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the M-Bus from ista depicted.

Wired System (M-Bus)

Effortlessly monitor all meters

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the radio system from ista depicted.

Wireless System (Radio)

Simplify your metering process

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows myista.

MY ista

Your personal energy portal