Power your prop­erty with the ista EV char­ging sta­tions.

Sus­tain­able char­ging solu­tions for mod­ern prop­er­ties.

Multi-​protocol sup­port

Fast char­ging

Re­mote mon­it­or­ing and man­age­ment

Ro­bust build qual­ity

In­stalling our Elec­tric Vehicle (EV) char­ging sta­tions at your com­mer­cial prop­er­ties is more than just an amen­ity – it is a stra­tegic ad­vant­age. 

At the core of our EV char­ging sta­tions is a soph­ist­ic­ated tech­no­logy de­signed to meet the fast-​paced de­mands of today’s elec­tric vehicles. ista's range of 7kW and 22 kW AC char­gers are a fast, ef­fi­cient way of trans­form­ing an AC cur­rent into the DC power needed by EV bat­ter­ies. A crit­ical as­pect of this tech­no­logy is its data trans­mis­sion cap­ab­il­ity, which se­curely ex­changes in­form­a­tion about the vehicle and bat­tery status. This is key to provid­ing an ef­fi­cient char­ging pro­cess, and also fa­cil­it­ates pre­cise billing and user data man­age­ment.

Ad­vanced tech­no­logy for mod­ern needs.

Our EV char­ging sta­tion equips your com­mer­cial prop­erty with the ne­ces­sary in­fra­struc­ture to meet the grow­ing de­mand for elec­tric vehicle char­ging. Of­fer­ing re­li­able, fast and se­cure char­ging op­tions, our sta­tions are de­signed to cater to all EV mod­els, mak­ing your prop­erty a pre­ferred des­tin­a­tion for EV own­ers.


Stay ahead of mo­bil­ity trends with forward-​thinking in­fra­struc­ture.

Uni­ver­sal EV char­ging

Ac­com­mod­ate any elec­tric vehicle with our ver­sat­ile char­ging sta­tions.

En­hanced char­ging speeds

Our EV char­ging sta­tions offer fast char­ging tech­no­logy.
The picture shows an electric car that is being charged. In the foreground is the car's charging socket, into which a charging cable is plugged. The cable is connected to an ista EV charging station, which is outside the picture. In the background, slightly out of focus, is a man in a light-coloured suit talking on the phone. He has a relaxed posture and is leaning slightly against the car. The scene probably takes place in an urban environment or in a company car park, which is indicated by the modern buildings in the background. The image conveys an atmosphere of modern technology and environmentally friendly mobility.

Trans­form your com­mer­cial space with EV char­ging solu­tions from ista.

Dis­cover the be­ne­fits of in­stalling EV char­ging sta­tions and why they are a game-​changer for com­mer­cial real es­tate.

How does it work

EV char­ging sta­tions work by con­vert­ing elec­trical power from the grid into a form that elec­tric vehicles can store in their bat­ter­ies for fu­ture use. When an EV is con­nec­ted to the char­ging sta­tion, the sta­tion com­mu­nic­ates with the vehicle to en­sure com­pat­ib­il­ity and safety. It then de­liv­ers elec­tri­city at vary­ing speeds de­pend­ing on the sta­tion's cap­ab­il­it­ies. ista's char­ging sta­tions are equipped with smart, fast-​charging tech­no­logy that op­tim­ises char­ging for en­ergy ef­fi­ciency and cost-​effectiveness, provid­ing a seam­less ex­per­i­ence for prop­erty own­ers and users alike. Our sys­tem can also handle cash pay­ments by res­id­ents and vis­it­ors to your prop­erty, so there is no need for you to worry about who has paid for their power.