Em­power your prop­erty with our com­mer­cial elec­tri­city meter.

The smart way to mon­itor, man­age and min­im­ise your en­ergy use.

Real-​time en­ergy mon­it­or­ing

Cost-​effective en­ergy man­age­ment

Easy in­stall­a­tion and main­ten­ance

En­hanced sus­tain­ab­il­ity

The ista com­mer­cial elec­tri­city meter of­fers prop­erty own­ers a trans­form­at­ive way to mon­itor and man­age elec­tri­city con­sump­tion, lead­ing to sig­ni­fic­ant cost sav­ings and en­hanced op­er­a­tional ef­fi­ciency. 

By provid­ing real-​time data on en­ergy use, it en­ables prop­er­ties to identify waste­ful con­sump­tion pat­terns and ad­just these ac­cord­ingly. This pro­act­ive ap­proach not only re­duces util­ity bills but also con­trib­utes to sus­tain­ab­il­ity goals by min­im­ising en­ergy waste.

Har­ness the be­ne­fits of ad­vanced elec­tri­city meter­ing with a com­mer­cial elec­tri­city meter.

Our elec­tri­city meter is an in­nov­at­ive tool de­signed to pre­cisely mon­itor elec­tri­city con­sump­tion within com­mer­cial real es­tate. It stands out by of­fer­ing de­tailed in­sights into en­ergy usage pat­terns, en­abling prop­erty man­agers to make in­formed de­cisions about en­ergy man­age­ment.

The be­ne­fits in­clude sig­ni­fic­ant cost re­duc­tions, im­proved en­ergy ef­fi­ciency and the abil­ity to con­trib­ute to en­vir­on­mental sus­tain­ab­il­ity. With fea­tures like real-​time mon­it­or­ing, easy-​to-​read dis­plays and simple in­stall­a­tion, the elec­tri­city meter is an in­dis­pens­able asset for any com­mer­cial prop­erty look­ing to op­tim­ise its en­ergy con­sump­tion.

Pre­ci­sion mon­it­or­ing

De­liv­ers ac­cur­ate, real-​time data on elec­tri­city use.

Cost ef­fi­ciency

Re­duces en­ergy costs through de­tailed usage ana­lysis.

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity im­pact

Help­ing com­mer­cial prop­er­ties re­duce their en­vir­on­mental foot­print.
The picture shows a modern, open-plan office space where two people are standing in the center of the room. In the background on the left are cupboards containing files and a presentation board. To the right, you can see two white walls raised close together that do not reach the ceiling of the room. A railing is attached to the right-hand wall, which extends to the right-hand side of the picture and to the wall there. The wall of the railing itself is made of a grey grid and the floor is attached to a steel beam that can be seen from the side. The lattice provides a clear view of the black wall behind it. Two large desks can be seen in the center of this elevation, with two chairs on either side. On the right-hand side, against the brick wall, there is another desk with a chair and a passageway in the wall. In the foreground you can see two people walking towards the cupboards on the left. These two people are only vaguely recognizable as they are in motion and therefore blurry. In front of the railing in the center of the picture are two large tables that have been placed opposite each other and form a large group of tables. There are two chairs to the left and right of the group of tables. Three plants can be seen on the right-hand edge of the picture, their branches protruding into the picture. In the center of the picture, a younger man is standing next to a younger woman, right before the group of tables. The man has short black hair and a black beard and is wearing a black jacket with grey trousers and brown shoes. The woman has open red wavy hair and is wearing a white blouse, a grey metallic skirt and white pumps. They are both smiling while the woman has a tablet in her hand and is presenting the smart metering options from ista to the man.

Take con­trol of your elec­tri­city con­sump­tion.

Gain un­par­alleled in­sights and con­trol over your en­ergy usage.

How does it work

The elec­tri­city meter uses ad­vanced meter­ing tech­no­logy to provide de­tailed and ac­cur­ate meas­ure­ments of elec­tri­city con­sump­tion in real time. It is de­signed for easy in­teg­ra­tion into ex­ist­ing elec­trical sys­tems, re­quir­ing min­imal in­stall­a­tion ef­fort. The device con­nects to a cent­ral mon­it­or­ing sys­tem, where en­ergy usage data is col­lec­ted, ana­lysed and re­por­ted. This al­lows for the auto­matic and ef­fi­cient man­age­ment of en­ergy con­sump­tion, of­fer­ing both im­me­di­ate in­sights and long-​term ana­lysis cap­ab­il­ity. Through its soph­ist­ic­ated tech­no­logy, the power meter em­powers com­mer­cial real es­tate own­ers to make in­formed de­cisions about en­ergy use, ul­ti­mately lead­ing to cost sav­ings and en­hanced sus­tain­ab­il­ity.