Em­power your com­mer­cial real es­tate with ista's in­nov­at­ive solu­tions.

Your com­mer­cial prop­erty de­serves the best. El­ev­ate it with ista's state-​of-​the-​art tech­no­lo­gies.

At ista, we un­der­stand that prop­erty man­age­ment can be chal­len­ging, which is why we offer a range of in­nov­at­ive products and tech­no­lo­gies de­signed to make your life easier.

ista's in­nov­at­ive products, in­clud­ing smart meter­ing and prop­erty man­age­ment tech­no­lo­gies, offer pre­cise solu­tions to the unique chal­lenges faced by com­mer­cial real es­tate, en­sur­ing smooth op­er­a­tions and cost-​effective man­age­ment. 

Sys­tems tech­no­logy.

Take con­trol of en­ergy con­sump­tion in your com­mer­cial spaces with ista's smart meter­ing tech­no­logy. Ac­cur­ate real-​time data en­ables in­sight­ful decision-​making, cost cut­ting and re­duced car­bon emis­sions.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the M-Bus from ista depicted.

Wired Sys­tem (M-Bus)

Ef­fort­lessly mon­itor all meters.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the radio system from ista depicted.

Wire­less Sys­tem (Radio)

Sim­plify your meter­ing pro­cess.

Meter­ing tech­no­logy.

Take con­trol of en­ergy con­sump­tion in your com­mer­cial spaces with ista's smart meter­ing tech­no­logy. Ac­cur­ate real-​time data en­ables in­sight­ful decision-​making, cost cut­ting and re­duced car­bon emis­sions.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the heat-meter from ista depicted.

Heat Meter

The smart solu­tion for wire­less heat­ing meter­ing.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the water-meter from ista depicted.

Water Meter

Smart hot and cold-​water meter.

Elec­tri­city Meter

Con­veni­ent elec­tri­city meter­ing.

Gas Meter

Easy gas meter­ing.

Smart en­ergy tech­no­logy.

Future-​proof your com­mer­cial prop­erty with ista's smart en­ergy tech­no­logy, by op­tim­ising ef­fi­ciency and em­bra­cing sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

The background is coloured in dark blue and in the centre is the Heat-Pilot from ista depicted.

Smart Heat­ing Con­trol Mod­ule

Up­grade your cent­ral heat­ing sys­tem with smart heat­ing con­trol for ef­fi­cient en­ergy use.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side  are parts of two fluorescent lamps depicted.

LED Lights

Re­duce en­ergy costs and im­prove sus­tain­ab­il­ity with ef­fi­cient light­ing.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side are three solar panels depicted.

Solar Panel

Trans­form your prop­erty with sus­tain­able en­ergy.

The background is colored in dark blue and on the rigth side isa walkable white conbtainer with a yellow yellow lightning bolt on the side panel. On the right side of the container are stairs that lead to a door on the right panel of the container.

Bat­tery Stor­age

Un­lock ef­fi­ciency and sav­ings.

EV-​Charging Sta­tion

Ad­vanced tech­no­logy for mod­ern needs.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows the home screen of istas building management system.

Build­ing Man­age­ment Sys­tem

Max­im­ise ef­fi­ciency across your prop­er­ties.

Smart soft­ware solu­tions.

Ex­per­i­ence the con­veni­ence of di­gital prop­erty man­age­ment with ista's plat­forms tailored to com­mer­cial prop­er­ties, which offer a cent­ral­ised hub for en­ergy mon­it­or­ing, ac­count man­age­ment and on­line pay­ments.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows ista care.


Di­git­ally man­age real es­tate with ease and ef­fi­ciency.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows the regristation page  of the MinuteView from ista.


Real-​time ac­cess to all your data.

iCar­bon Portal

Auto­mated and ac­cur­ate AI-​driven car­bon man­age­ment.

Dis­cover what ista can do for your com­mer­cial prop­erty.

Our ex­pert cus­tomer team is ded­ic­ated to find­ing the per­fect, tailor-​made solu­tion for your needs, en­sur­ing your sat­is­fac­tion every step of the way.