Empower your commercial real estate with ista's innovative solutions.

Your commercial property deserves the best. Elevate it with ista's state-of-the-art technologies.

At ista, we understand that property management can be challenging, which is why we offer a range of innovative products and technologies designed to make your life easier.

ista's innovative products, including smart metering and property management technologies, offer precise solutions to the unique challenges faced by commercial real estate, ensuring smooth operations and cost-effective management. 

Systems technology.

Take control of energy consumption in your commercial spaces with ista's smart metering technology. Accurate real-time data enables insightful decision-making, cost cutting and reduced carbon emissions.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the M-Bus from ista depicted.

Wired System (M-Bus)

Effortlessly monitor all meters.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the radio system from ista depicted.

Wireless System (Radio)

Simplify your metering process.

Metering technology.

Take control of energy consumption in your commercial spaces with ista's smart metering technology. Accurate real-time data enables insightful decision-making, cost cutting and reduced carbon emissions.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the heat-meter from ista depicted.

Heat Meter

The smart solution for wireless heating metering.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the water-meter from ista depicted.

Water Meter

Smart hot and cold-water meter.

Electricity Meter

Convenient electricity metering.

Gas Meter

Easy gas metering.

Smart energy technology.

Future-proof your commercial property with ista's smart energy technology, by optimising efficiency and embracing sustainability.

The background is coloured in dark blue and in the centre is the Heat-Pilot from ista depicted.

Smart Heating Control Module

Upgrade your central heating system with smart heating control for efficient energy use.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side  are parts of two fluorescent lamps depicted.

LED Lights

Reduce energy costs and improve sustainability with efficient lighting.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side are three solar panels depicted.

Solar Panel

Transform your property with sustainable energy.

The background is colored in dark blue and on the rigth side isa walkable white conbtainer with a yellow yellow lightning bolt on the side panel. On the right side of the container are stairs that lead to a door on the right panel of the container.

Battery Storage

Unlock efficiency and savings.

EV-Charging Station

Advanced technology for modern needs.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows the home screen of istas building management system.

Building Management System

Maximise efficiency across your properties.

Smart software solutions.

Experience the convenience of digital property management with ista's platforms tailored to commercial properties, which offer a centralised hub for energy monitoring, account management and online payments.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows ista care.


Digitally manage real estate with ease and efficiency.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is an open laptop that shows the regristation page  of the MinuteView from ista.


Real-time access to all your data.

iCarbon Portal

Automated and accurate AI-driven carbon management.

Discover what ista can do for your commercial property.

Our expert customer team is dedicated to finding the perfect, tailor-made solution for your needs, ensuring your satisfaction every step of the way.