The picture shows five people standing next to each other, smiling and looking in the direction of the viewer. They are standing in a corridor of an office building. On the far left is a man with short black hair and a full beard, dressed in a grey suit with a white shirt and a black tie. His left hand is in his trouser pocket. To his right is a woman with long, wavy brown hair, wearing a black suit and a white shirt. She has her arms crossed in front of her. In the centre of the picture is another woman with short white hair, wearing a blue suit and a polka-dot blouse. Behind her on the right is a man in a dark blue suit with a white shirt and a dark tie. Both have their arms crossed in front of them. On the far right is a woman with dark brown, curly, long hair wearing a grey, sleeveless, knee-length dress. She is gripping her left wrist with her right hand. In the background is a corridor with many glass walls indicating various offices. Modern lighting can be seen at the top of the picture, giving the building a cosy atmosphere.

What counts for us?

Open­ness, co­oper­a­tion and re­spons­ib­il­ity.

A cul­ture that unites us

Whether it's an ap­pren­tice­ship or a man­age­ment po­s­i­tion – we are look­ing for com­mit­ted people who want to help shape the fu­ture of ista to­gether as a team.

What drives us is our cul­ture of di­versity and col­lab­or­a­tion. We be­lieve that to­gether with our em­ploy­ees, our cus­tom­ers and busi­ness part­ners, we can re­shape an in­dustry, grow eco­nom­ic­ally and pro­tect our en­vir­on­ment. To achieve this, we as a com­pany are con­stantly ques­tion­ing ourselves. Be­cause we want to de­velop con­sist­ently. Our cor­por­ate cul­ture is like a strong bond that con­nects all team mem­bers. We help each other and work on solu­tions in a net­work. We make mis­takes and learn from them. And last but not least – we cel­eb­rate suc­cesses.

We live these val­ues

Our large team can only make good pro­gress if every­one pulls to­gether. Our shared val­ues are our value frame­work and guar­an­tee that every­one at ista speaks the same lan­guage. Our val­ues de­term­ine how we in­ter­act with each other, but also with busi­ness part­ners and cus­tom­ers, con­sumers, polit­ics and the media.

Pro­mote self-​reliance

Our em­ploy­ees should act in­de­pend­ently and feel se­cure at all times in order to util­ise their cre­at­ive free­dom and short decision-​making chan­nels. This is why we del­eg­ate re­spons­ib­il­ity to all levels, de­pend­ing on the task at hand.

Keep­ing agree­ments

We keep our prom­ises and con­sist­ently pur­sue our goals. We ac­cept chal­lenges to en­sure the suc­cess of our com­pany. Every team mem­ber gives their best and our joint suc­cess mo­tiv­ates us to de­velop fur­ther.

Es­tab­lish­ing part­ner­ships

For us, good co­oper­a­tion is a sign of suc­cess. We take into ac­count the in­terests of all col­leagues and cus­tom­ers in order to build valu­able part­ner­ships. We work in a co­oper­at­ive at­mo­sphere in which every­one can thrive.

Build trust

At ista, we com­mu­nic­ate openly, po­litely and hon­estly. Al­ways. We re­cog­nise good ideas and achieve­ments. We ex­change feed­back con­struct­ively and re­spect­fully.


De­cisions have con­sequences. That's why we al­ways act thought­fully. We har­mon­ise eco­nomic, eco­lo­gical and so­cial in­terests.

The picture shows a relaxed and friendly scene in which a woman and a man are chatting outdoors. The woman is on the left of the picture. She has long, slightly wavy dark hair and is wearing a green blouse with long sleeves and a V-neck. She holds her hands in front of her in a relaxed manner. The man on the right of the picture has short, dark hair. He is wearing a blue blazer over a white shirt and light-coloured jeans. As he speaks, he gestures with his right hand as if he is explaining or emphasising something. The background of the scene shows a modern building with large windows and light-coloured facades, suggesting an urban environment, possibly a terrace or courtyard. There are blurred green plants in the foreground and on the left-hand side of the picture, giving the image depth and creating a natural atmosphere. The light in the scene is natural and comes from the left side, which illuminates the scene well and creates a friendly, inviting mood. The overall atmosphere of the picture looks professional and at the same time relaxed, as if the two people are having a pleasant conversation. The combination of urban surroundings and nature conveys a sense of balance and harmony.

Di­versity at ista

We are con­vinced that we can only be a suc­cess­ful com­pany if we are open, re­spect­ful and tol­er­ant. That is why we wel­come people at ista re­gard­less of gender, age, re­li­gion, sexual ori­ent­a­tion, eth­nic back­ground or pos­sible phys­ical lim­it­a­tions.

We are look­ing for bright minds from all over the world to help us de­velop and im­ple­ment new ideas.

Two business professionals, a man and a woman, engage in a friendly conversation while walking outside near modern office buildings. The woman, dressed in a smart blazer, smiles warmly, while the man gestures as he speaks. The background features greenery and urban architecture, suggesting a productive, collaborative environment in a professional setting. The image reflects themes of business communication, networking, and positive workplace interactions.

Our be­ne­fits: ista of­fers you more

We want you to be able to de­velop within the ista team and find your place with us in the long term. This also means that you be­ne­fit from many ad­vant­ages.