###Digitally Manage Real Estate with Ease and Efficiency Discover ista's Web..

Trusted by more than 80,000 Customers for Digital Real Estate Management.

Quick & Easy Access to All Your Properties

Collect Cost & User Data Online

Secure Data Exchange

All Devices & Operational Status at a Glance

Order Any Service Directly Online

Welcome to the ista web portal - your secure digital home for real estate management. Our online platform offers a collaborative space where we can work together seamlessly.

With our innovative solution, you can manage your properties with ease and convenience through your web browser, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

One Platform, Endless Possibilities ista's Web Portal Solution.

Our platform combines several essential functions, including cost and user data collection, smoke alarm device overview, order management, device overview, and property document management. With ista, managing your properties has never been easier. Gain transparency and control, streamline processes, and optimize efficiency, all in one convenient online platform.

Manage and Transmit Any Billing Data.

From heat cost allocation to water metering.

Store Billing Data for up to 5 Years.

Securely store your billing data with our archiving solution

Professional Advice & Support.

Our expert team is always there to guide and assist for any need.

Discover How Our Web Portal Integrates into Our Heat Allocation Service.

With our web portal, managing heat cost allocation is a breeze. You can monitor and track your billing data with ease and access professional support whenever you need it.

Discover more

How does it work

The ista Web Portal operates as a comprehensive online platform for digital real estate management, leveraging advanced technology to provide streamlined property oversight. At its core, the portal utilizes a robust data integration system that collects and analyzes information from various property-related devices and services. Users can access real-time data on operational statuses and costs directly through a user-friendly web interface. This data is securely exchanged and stored within the portal, allowing for efficient property and device management. Additionally, the system supports direct online service ordering and offers a detailed overview of all property documents and activities, facilitating seamless management from anywhere, at any time.