Our sustainability strategy

Greater transparency, less CO₂ emissions

With our smart solutions we offer building owners and residents the necessary transparency to save energy responsibly and therefore make a contribution to climate protection. But we are also taking a critical look at our own behaviour and want to go one step further towards zero CO

Our net-zero roadmap includes the following areas:

We already recognised very early on that our fleet of vehicles is one of the crucial levers to achieving zero CO₂. The goal is clear and, at the same time, ambitious: we want to switch our entire fleet to 100% electrically powered vehicles by 2028. We are also systematically expanding our EV charging infrastructure. More and more of our sites now obtain their power from renewable sources.

Electrification of the vehicle fleet

Energy supplies from renewable sources

Climate-friendly travel policies

ista CEO quote

Clearly making an impact: a sustainable mindset and approach are a matter of course for us as a company - they are part of our DNA. Through our smart solutions, we are also creating the necessary underlying data and thus transparency for the vital decarbonisation of the buildings sector. But success can only be achieved with you. Let us work together for a sustainable future for our planet.

Hagen Lessing, CEO ista SE

Sustainability in various fields of action

Sustainability has top priority at ista. We help people save energy and take wide-ranging action ourselves to conserve resources and protect the climate. Our sustainability strategy defines specific goals in each of the five fields of action: environment, markets, employees, partners and society. In order to achieve these goals, we measure our progress at regular intervals.

Environment & Markets

Our smart solutions such as EcoTrend help landlords to meet legal requirements and drive the transition to climate-friendly heating forward. Our goal: not only will ista be CO₂-free by 2030, we will also help our customers and users to reduce their CO₂ emissions by 20% by 2030 (base year: 2018).


Change starts with ourselves. We create the structures so people can develop their innovative potential. Our goal: we invest in our employees with apprenticeships, training courses and coaching so they can reach their full potential – in both the analogue and digital worlds.

Partners & Society

With our commitment and smart apps such as the ista Heiz-O-Meter, we want to help preserve the world for future generations. Our goal: in dialogue and close cooperation with our suppliers, we are continuously committed to reducing the carbon footprint in our supply chain.

ista Progress Report 2023/24

Here you will find all important information on our sustainability activities.