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Are you using the monitoring tool Please click here to log in:
You can use the monitoring tool when your property manager has chosen for this service.
Save more energy by insight into your heat and water consumption
Measuring and registration of heat and water consumption leads to an average saving of 15-20% as you only pay for your own consumption. So, the more economical you heat, the more energy you will save.
Research has shown that insight into your consumption will lead to more conscious heat and water usage, and in turn, to higher energy savings. Therefore, the law requires you to be given insight into your consumption several times a year. That's why ista developed especially for residents a monitoring tool and an ista App.
Include your current consumption, consumption per radiator and the historical consumption (up to three years back). By the current consumption to compare to your historical consumption or the average consumption of the building, you will have a good insight into your consumption and have the opportunity to adjust if desired.
Consumption per month!
The ista meters are specially designed to provide insight into your consumption. You can view your consumption online in and the app that goes with it. In various graphs you can see the consumption per billing period and per month. You can compare this consumption with your consumption in the past years or with the average consumption in the building where you live. This allows you to see whether you have heated more or less.
You can also see the average outside temperature with your consumption. This allows you to easily check whether your consumption is lower when it is warmer outside. ista receives the average temperatures from KNMI in The Bild.
With this information you can adjust your heating behaviour if you want and you have even more influence on the amount of your energy bill.

ista app, your usage alway at hand
With the ista app you'll have your usage always at hand. This transparency is saving energy even easier for you. The ista app is giving you an insight too in your current total consumption as well as your consumption per radiator. You can compare with previous years (max. 3) and with the average in your residential complex. More economical heating will cause less energy costs and avoid unpleasant surprises on your bill!
For log in to the web portal or the demo version:
Read our tips to save even more heat and water.
Savings tips
If you wish to use the ista webportal and the ista app, ask your property manager. The tools are available in English.