The picture shows a man sitting on a balcony in an urban environment. He is wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt and is sitting relaxed at a small black table on the lower half in the centre of the picture. On the table in front of him are a laptop, a notepad with a pen and a coffee mug. The man has rested his legs on the balcony railing and is holding a telephone in his left hand while talking on the phone. The balcony is richly decorated with plants. On the left of the picture, climbing plants stretch up the wall, taking up almost the entire left side of the picture. Below the climbing plants are several pots of flowering plants and greenery arranged along the floor of the balcony. Above the man, stretched across the balcony, is a string of lights with several light bulbs that extends from the top left-hand corner to the right-hand side of the picture. In the background you can see a row of multi-storey buildings in various shades of yellow stretching across the top and centre of the picture. Behind the buildings is a park-like landscape with many trees that further break up the background. The sun seems to be either rising or setting, giving the picture a warm, golden glow. The view from the balcony extends over the roofs of the city.

Cumplir con la legislación: La clave para administrar fincas sin estrés.

Garantice el cumplimiento de la normativa energética, reduzca riesgos y encuentre oportunidades de financiación con nuestro equipo de expertos. Tenga la tranquilidad de saber que su inmueble no solo cumple la normativa, sino que, además, impulsa un futuro más ecológico.

Reduzca los riesgos legales

Evite sanciones y multas

Prepare su finca para el futuro

Contribuya a un futuro sostenible

Cobertura nacional

ista: Su socio de confianza para el cumplimiento legal en las fincas.

Entendemos que conocer la complejidad de las normativas en constante cambio puede ser una tarea desalentadora. Además, el incumplimiento de las normas de eficiencia energética puede acarrear costosas sanciones y acciones legales, sin mencionar los daños reputacionales. 

Es ahí donde entramos nosotros: Nuestro equipo de expertos le ayudará a moverse por el panorama normativo con facilidad, dándole tranquilidad y protegiendo su finca. Confíe en ista como socio en materia de cumplimiento legal y satisfaga sus necesidades en el ámbito de la administración de inmuebles.

Servicios esenciales que su finca necesita en este momento.

Con nuestros servicios integrales, puede tener la tranquilidad de saber que nos ocupamos de sus gastos de servicios y facturación, con lo cual podrá centrarse en otros aspectos importantes de la gestión inmobiliaria.

The picture shows a woman sitting on a couch and reading the ista heating bill. She has long blonde hair and is wearing black glasses. Her top is a blue shirt and she is wearing brown trousers. While she holds the heating bill in her left hand, her right hand rests on her chin. She looks directly into the camera. The beige couch on which she is sitting stretches across the entire lower third of the picture and has a white blanket draped over the back on the left with a yellow cushion leaning against it. In the background are various pieces of furniture that suggest a living room: A floor lamp and a shelf can be seen on the right, and in the centre an open two-part door leading into another room with bookshelves. The entire background is blurred.

Reparto de costes de calefacción

Consiga una facturación justa con la medición precisa del consumo de calefacción.

The picture shows a rather dark room that is barely lit with grey walls and a white partition. The only light only illuminates the dark wooden table at which a man is sitting in the foreground. The man sits at a green fabric chair with a short backrest and looks directly into the camera. The man has short light brown hair, a greying beard, wears black glasses, a light blue polo shirt and a large black watch on his left wrist. In front of him on the table is a glass of water and in his hand in front of him is a tablet on which he is informing himself about istas water-metering.

Control de Consumo de Agua

Controle eficientemente el uso del agua para reducir el despilfarro y los costes.

The picture shows a young man with glasses, leaning slightly forwards and sitting on a modern wooden bench. The bench is in a bright and cosy room. The man is wearing a light blue shirt and mustard-coloured trousers. He is holding a tablet in his hands and looking at ista's heat metering system. Behind the man, to the right of the picture, is a large floor-to-ceiling window that allows plenty of natural light into the room. A green garden with lush vegetation can be seen through the window. Next to the window is a large plant in a pot on the floor. To the right of the plant is a black radiator, which contrasts with the light and natural colours of the room. To the left of the man, part of a beige sofa is visible. Other parts of the room can be seen in the background on the left of the picture, possibly including a door or another window, which also bring light and space into the room.

Medición del calor

Controle y gestione con precisión el consumo de calefacción de las fincas.

The picture shows a young woman standing on a raised platform or balcony. She is leaning casually over a shiny metal railing and smiling happily. The woman has blonde, curly hair with a fashionable undercut and wears large, round glasses. She is dressed in a light blue chequered blazer and a green T-shirt. In the background you can see modern office buildings with lots of windows. These buildings are grey and reflect the sunlight, giving the picture a dynamic and lively atmosphere. The light comes from the right-hand side and creates bright reflections on the windows and the railings. The woman is in the centre of the picture, leaning slightly to the right as she grasps the railing. Her facial expression is relaxed and content, as if she is enjoying the view and the moment. The setting suggests an urban location, probably in a city with modern architectural elements.

Tecnologías de medición

Tecnologías avanzadas para un seguimiento y una gestión fiables de los servicios.

Dé el primer paso hacia el cumplimiento legal de las normativas en sus fincas.

Soluciones innovadoras con resultados.

Nuestras soluciones digitales están diseñadas para ayudar a nuestros clientes a reducir su impacto ambiental, mejorar la salud y la seguridad en sus edificios y ahorrar costes energéticos.

The picture shows a green, wide and tall meadow with large green trees on the edge of the horizon in the upper third of the picture and a girl running through the meadow. From the upper edge in the centre, bright yellow rays of sunlight stretch across the middle of the picture and bathe it in warm light. In the centre of the picture, a little girl in a knee-length, sleeveless white dress is walking across the meadow with her back to the viewer. Her long blonde hair blows away from her body to the left as she moves. In addition, as she runs, her left arm is loosely behind her back and her left foot is bent upwards so that the entire underside of her foot can be seen at the end of her dress.

Sea sostenible

Reduzca su huella de carbono, cree un futuro sostenible y mejore la imagen de su finca.

The picture shows a section of an open laptop from an angle so that only half of the keyboard is visible. A person in a blue shirt, of whom only the hands and arms can be seen, is in the right-hand half of the picture and is typing on the laptop keyboard. The hands and the laptop keyboard are in the centre of the picture and are in focus. To the right of the laptop, a smartphone and a black cup can be seen in a blur. In the background is a window that floods the room with light.

Tome el control

Mejore la supervisión de su finca con las soluciones innovadoras de ista.

The picture shows a young man leaning against a glass railing and holding a small tablet with a white cover in his hand. He is smiling and looking into the distance. The man has short brown hair and a short brown beard and is wearing a beige suit with a white t-shirt underneath. Since the photo was taken from a frog's-eye view, you can see a tall, modern office building made of light-coloured stone with four rows of large windows in the background.

Ahorro energético eficiente

Entre en el futuro de la gestión energética con nuestros dispositivos inteligentes y servicios automatizados y prepare su finca para el futuro.