The picture shows a woman standing at a silver railing and looking at a view of many skyscrapers. She has long brown hair tied back in a ponytail and is wearing a black jacket. She is standing with her back to the viewer. The skyscrapers are close together and all have either complete window fronts or many rows of windows stretching through the entire building. The sun shines on the windows of some of the buildings, while the sun shines only partially on the other buildings, because some of the other skyscrapers are casting shadows on them.

Aumente la eficiencia y el ahorro energéticos en su comercio o industria.

Adoptando medidas de eficiencia energética, puede reducir significativamente su consumo de energía y disminuir sus costes energéticos.

Minimice costes y errores con contadores inteligentes

Sea eficiente energéticamente y recorte gastos

Dispositivos inteligentes avanzados

Prepare su comercio o industria para el futuro

Equipo de asistencia experto

Menos consumo y más ahorro con las soluciones energéticas de ista.

Las empresas buscan constantemente formas de reducir su consumo de energía y disminuir sus costes energéticos, no solo para mejorar su balance final, sino también para contribuir a un futuro sostenible.

En ista comprendemos los retos a los que se enfrentan las empresas en este empeño. Por eso ofrecemos una gama de soluciones integrales hechas para sus necesidades específicas. Desde la medición inteligente y la supervisión energética hasta el análisis de datos y la consultoría de sostenibilidad, somos su socio de confianza para alcanzar sus metas de eficiencia energética.

Ahorrar de forma sostenible con las innovadoras herramientas de ista.

Nuestro ecosistema interconectado de medición inteligente, análisis y herramientas de gestión de la energía trabaja sin descanso entre bastidores, identificando oportunidades para reducir los costes y el consumo.

The picture shows three blurred vertical metal pipes starting from the left side to the center of the picture. The whole focus is on the right side on the heating-moule Sophia from ista.

Optimizacíon del calor

Mejore la eficiencia del sistema de calefacción y reduzca los costes.

The picture shows a modern office building on a sunny day. The building is in the centre of the picture and takes up most of the frame. It has a glass and metal façade that reflects the daylight. The structure of the building consists of several rectangular glass windows separated by vertical and horizontal metal struts. The metal struts are in different colours, giving the façade a lively and modern look. In the foreground, at the bottom right of the picture, you can see a tree whose green leaves are brightly illuminated by the sunlight. The leaves partially cover the bottom right corner of the building. The sky is clear and blue with only a few small clouds in the top left of the picture. The sun's rays create lens effects that can be seen as bright, circular reflections in the picture. In the upper left area of the picture, at the edge of the building, a few plants can be seen on a roof garden, bringing a touch of nature into the otherwise urban picture.


Haga un seguimiento preciso del uso de los servicios para disponer de una facturación justa.

The picture was taken diagonally upwards towards the ceiling of the office space. As a result, you can see the dark brown ceiling with white ceiling elements and silver pipes stretching across the entire ceiling in the background. In the lower left part of the background, you can see several office desks and glass partitions. You can also see a man sitting with his back to the viewer. On the right, in the background, you can see more glass partitions, more office desks and chairs and a white wall with two large bright windows. The entire background is blurry, as the photo focuses on the man sitting at a white office desk with a light grey laptop in the foreground, from which the photo was taken. The man is wearing a light blue shirt with a dark blue jumper over it and black square glasses. His hair and beard are greying, and he is smiling as he talks to a customer about their Energy-Management-Minute-Review provided by ista.

Gestión de la energía

Gestione y reduzca estratégicamente el consumo de energía.

The picture shows four people in formal dress standing in a modern, light-flooded building. They are standing on a raised walkway with railings, surrounded by large glass windows. The windows extend along the entire length of the corridor and let in plenty of daylight.on the left of the picture is a woman with long, dark hair wearing a black trouser suit. She has her arms crossed in front of her chest and is looking down as if she is pensive. Next to her is a man in a dark blue suit, who is leaning on the railing with both hands and also looking down. Next to him is a woman with blonde hair in a white blazer and beige trousers. To her right is an older man with white hair and a beard, wearing a dark blue suit and interlocking fingers. The four people are discussing ista's building management system. Below the catwalk are large green plants that lend the room a natural element. On the right of the picture you can see a wall with dark red bricks and several doors. The whole space has a modern and open feel, with lots of natural light and a mix of industrial and natural elements.

Sistema BMS

Control centralizado de los sistemas y operaciones del edificio.

The picture shows a central warehouse with a horizontally fluted blue steel façade and a large white garage entrance for lorries on the left-hand side of the building. This entrance is decorated with eight windows. Next to the garage door is a simple white entrance door. On the right-hand side of the building, a window is divided into three sections and covered with white shutters on the inside. Attached to the warehouse on the right is a slightly lower, white fluted building, which also has a steel façade. The extension has a garage door at car height, which also contains a built-in entrance door. It is the same blue colour as the warehouse façade. To the left and right of this garage door are two taller pots with spherical plants. A drainage pipe runs along the white extension on the right-hand edge of the picture. In the left quarter of the picture, next to the blue warehouse, a modern house can be seen. It has an asymmetrical wood and stone façade decorated with windows of different sizes. In the lower third of the picture there is a kind of driveway and car park for the warehouse. The sky is bluish and slightly cloudy.

Optimizacíon de la energía

Mejore el rendimiento y la eficiencia del sistema eléctrico.

Emprenda su camino hacia el ahorro energético: ¡hable ya con el equipo experto de ista!

Reduzca sus costes energéticos, controle su consumo y mejore su comercio o industria con las soluciones de eficiencia energética de ista.

Prepare su comercio o industria para el futuro con nuestras soluciones integrales.

Transforme su comercio o industria en un activo de alto rendimiento con las soluciones integrales de ista, que aúnan conformidad legal, sostenibilidad, eficiencia energética, automatización y preparación para el futuro.

The picture shows a silhouette of a woman holding documents against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers. The perspective of the picture is from the bottom up, making the buildings look monumental and impressive. The woman is in the foreground of the picture, turned slightly to the left. Her profile is clearly visible and she appears to be looking intently at her documents. She is wearing a jacket and has tied her hair up in a bun. Several glass buildings can be seen in the background, taking up most of the picture. The building on the left of the picture is only partially visible, with a large round pillar extending upwards. The centre building is the most dominant and extends almost to the top of the picture. It has a glass and steel façade and reflects the sky. Another building can be seen on the right of the picture, which also extends upwards and forms a right angle to the centre building. The glass façades of the buildings give the picture a modern and urban feel. The sky is clear and slightly bluish, indicating a sunny or at least clear day.

Cumpla con la legislación

Tanto si se trata de complejos edificios de oficinas como de centros comerciales o naves industriales, nuestras soluciones a medida aseguran que sus inmuebles cumplan las normativas actuales y futuras.

The picture shows a modern lobby or waiting area with an impressive glass front that offers a view of an urban landscape. In the foreground of the picture are two plain black benches standing on a large beige carpet. The benches are arranged symmetrically to each other, one on the left and one on the right, leaving an empty space between them. The floor is made of polished white tiles that reflect the surroundings and the incoming light, creating a bright and inviting impression. The glass wall in the background consists of several tall, narrow panels that reach up to the ceiling and are connected by metal struts. Green, lush vegetation can be seen through the glass wall, contrasting with the tall, modern office buildings in the background. The buildings have different architectural styles and reflect the light in different ways, giving the scene depth and dynamism. The left side shows a striking building with a characteristic diagonal structure, while the right side shows several high-rise buildings with glass facades. The sun shines into the picture from the top right, bathing the scene in a warm, golden light.

Sea sostenible

Maximice la eficiencia y minimice el impacto ambiental con las soluciones sostenibles de ista para comercios e industria.

The picture shows a close-up of the keyboard of a laptop, which is illuminated by warm rays of sunlight from the background. The screen of the laptop is on the left edge of the picture and a woman in a dark blue shirt can be seen sitting in a blur on the right edge. Her hands are resting lightly on the keys of the laptop. The background of the picture is very blurred, but you can easily recognise the walls of a room and a window through which the sun's rays shine.

Tome el control

Entre en el futuro de la gestión energética de edificios basada en datos e impulsada por ista.