The picture shows a bird's eye view of the city. The picture was taken vertically downwards and shows an intersection from above, with two roads crossing in the centre of the picture. The road running from bottom left to top right is wider and appears to be a main road. It is lined with trees and a green strip on both sides that serves as a cycle path. The intersecting road, which runs from top left to bottom right, is slightly narrower and there are buildings with different roof shapes and colours at the four corners of the intersection. The building on the left has a striking, light brown roof with a round glass dome in the centre. Next to this building you can see a large bus parked on the street. The building at the top has a darker roof and is surrounded by several trees. The buildings on the right and below have red tiled roofs. The building on the right has a few cars in a car park next to it and the streets are quite clean with few vehicles or people to be seen. The green trees along the streets add a touch of nature to the urban environment. Overall, the picture appears calm and orderly, with clean lines and well-maintained urban structures.

Gestión inmobiliaria con servicios integrales: de la automatización a la optimización.

Explote todo el potencial de su finca con nuestras soluciones inteligentes y automatizadas.

¿Desea agilizar la gestión de su finca? Nuestra completa gama de servicios le ofrece soluciones innovadoras para reducir costes y mejorar la eficiencia.

Desde la gestión energética hasta la automatización con contadores inteligentes, ista le ofrece una solución integral para todas sus necesidades inmobiliarias. Gracias a nuestra innovadora tecnología y a nuestra dilatada experiencia, somos un aliado de confianza que le ofrecerá las soluciones más novedosas y eficaces para su finca. Con ista podrá disfrutar de un mayor confort, reducirá las facturas de energía y creará un entorno más sostenible. Tanto si administra fincas como si tiene inmuebles, puede contar con nuestro apoyo.

Nuestra solución integral para todas sus necesidades.

The picture shows a woman sitting on a couch and reading the ista heating bill. She has long blonde hair and is wearing black glasses. Her top is a blue shirt and she is wearing brown trousers. While she holds the heating bill in her left hand, her right hand rests on her chin. She looks directly into the camera. The beige couch on which she is sitting stretches across the entire lower third of the picture and has a white blanket draped over the back on the left with a yellow cushion leaning against it. In the background are various pieces of furniture that suggest a living room: A floor lamp and a shelf can be seen on the right, and in the centre an open two-part door leading into another room with bookshelves. The entire background is blurred.

Reparto de costes de calefacción

Consiga una facturación justa con la medición precisa del consumo de calefacción.

The picture shows a young man with glasses, leaning slightly forwards and sitting on a modern wooden bench. The bench is in a bright and cosy room. The man is wearing a light blue shirt and mustard-coloured trousers. He is holding a tablet in his hands and looking at ista's heat metering system. Behind the man, to the right of the picture, is a large floor-to-ceiling window that allows plenty of natural light into the room. A green garden with lush vegetation can be seen through the window. Next to the window is a large plant in a pot on the floor. To the right of the plant is a black radiator, which contrasts with the light and natural colours of the room. To the left of the man, part of a beige sofa is visible. Other parts of the room can be seen in the background on the left of the picture, possibly including a door or another window, which also bring light and space into the room.

Medición del calor

Controle y gestione con precisión el consumo de calefacción de las fincas.

The picture shows a rather dark room that is barely lit with grey walls and a white partition. The only light only illuminates the dark wooden table at which a man is sitting in the foreground. The man sits at a green fabric chair with a short backrest and looks directly into the camera. The man has short light brown hair, a greying beard, wears black glasses, a light blue polo shirt and a large black watch on his left wrist. In front of him on the table is a glass of water and in his hand in front of him is a tablet on which he is informing himself about istas water-metering.

Control de Consumo de Agua

Controle eficientemente el uso del agua para reducir el despilfarro y los costes.

The picture shows a modern residential complex with several white, multi-storey residential buildings standing on the left and right side of a paved path. The buildings have balconies with dark railings, and some balconies are decorated with plants and furniture. A wide, paved footpath stretches between the buildings and continues into the distance. On the left side of the path are lush green areas and colourful flowerbeds that embellish the space between the buildings. On the right-hand side of the path, young trees are planted at regular intervals, forming a green avenue together with manicured lawns. Other buildings can be seen in the background, completing the urban surroundings of the residential complex. The sky is clear and blue, indicating a sunny day. Overall, the picture conveys a calm and pleasant living atmosphere in a modern, well-maintained environment.

Optimización del calor

Optimice los sistemas de calefacción para mejorar la eficiencia y el ahorro.

The picture shows a young woman standing on a raised platform or balcony. She is leaning casually over a shiny metal railing and smiling happily. The woman has blonde, curly hair with a fashionable undercut and wears large, round glasses. She is dressed in a light blue chequered blazer and a green T-shirt. In the background you can see modern office buildings with lots of windows. These buildings are grey and reflect the sunlight, giving the picture a dynamic and lively atmosphere. The light comes from the right-hand side and creates bright reflections on the windows and the railings. The woman is in the centre of the picture, leaning slightly to the right as she grasps the railing. Her facial expression is relaxed and content, as if she is enjoying the view and the moment. The setting suggests an urban location, probably in a city with modern architectural elements.

Tecnologías de medición

Tecnologías avanzadas para un seguimiento y una gestión fiables de los servicios.

Los servicios integrales de ista a un solo clic.

Nuestro equipo de expertos en atención al cliente se encarga de encontrar la solución perfecta y a medida para sus necesidades, garantizando su satisfacción en todo el proceso.