Our Code of Conduct requires all employees of the ista Group to commit to compliance with international human rights, labour, anti-corruption and data protection standards. These include the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization's (ILO) Declaration of Principles and the UN Convention against Corruption. Our compliance management system helps us to ensure that all requirements are met throughout the Group. The effectiveness of compliance management at ista has been officially certified by the Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry (ICG). Our Supplier Code contains fundamental environmental, social and governance standards that we require our suppliers throughout the world to comply with. These also include the ILO's Declaration of Principles as well as the Principles of the UN Global Compact, the principles of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the UK Modern Slavery Act.
ista has firmly anchored the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations in its sustainability strategy. We focus on seven of the SDGs:
Since 2017, our project "ista schools in energy efficiency", for example, has helped schoolchildren at more than 100 schools develop practical approaches to climate protection. We are currently exploring new avenues to help more young people in their efforts to protect the climate.
With our metering devices, we make individual energy consumption transparent in more than 13 million homes and commercial properties. So consumers can identify and achieve energy-saving potential of 15 – 25%.
With sales of € 933 million in 2020, an increase of 2.66% compared with the previous year, we are contributing to the creation of value – for our employees, suppliers and service partners. Labour, social and human rights standards apply equally to us and our partners.
Our products and services help tenants to save energy and resources. Together with our partners, we are continually improving the recyclability of our devices.
We have a clear aspiration: we help people make their contribution to climate protection – with smart solutions for buildings, in our own company and in social initiatives and projects. We are systematically pursuing our strategy to become a climate-neutral company.