“The EU’s ambitious climate goals can only be achieved if the heating transition in the buildings sector is a success. However, if people are to actively change something, they first have to know where they stand. Creating this clarity is the common denominator in all our activities, services and products and is also the prerequisite for our own road to climate neutrality by 2030,” says Hagen Lessing, ista’s CEO.
In 2023, ista launched the ESG Manager, a solution which in a very short time already gives 60 companies with more than 7,000 properties clear information on their consumption, emissions and costs – both for individual properties and their entire portfolio. From July 2024, when the CSRD Directive is transposed into national law, ESG will become mandatory for many companies, meaning they will have to make additional disclosures including the carbon intensity of their property portfolio.
The MinuteView solution is designed for owners and managers of commercial properties. It collects all energy data and organises them in a dashboard, allowing potential savings to be quickly identified. This has led to savings of 15% in some cases. Moreover, MinuteView is also optimally linked into ista’s third-party meter operations. One recent example is Formula 1 companies: from third-party meter operation and granular data collection to energy procurement, since 2023 ista has been providing various racing teams with all the data needed for carbon reporting.
Following the acquisition of the Spanish service provider Wintel/Habidat in 2023, ista now also offers building owners a smart heating system control service. This allows savings of up to 30% to be achieved even with older heating systems. The heating energy is actively and automatically regulated and adjusted to the actual demand of the building. A total of 150 devices of the multi-award-winning solution are currently installed in Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
Social aspects of sustainability were also a focus in 2023. ista employees are given the opportunity to do something for society through corporate volunteering. The target of 5,000 hours a year was exceeded in 2023: ista employees worked a total of 5,156 hours for social and ecological causes. For example, on the Corporate Volunteering Day in Essen, employees worked hard collecting litter and they also rolled up their sleeves in France and Poland, for example in an emergency shelter for the homeless and at a recycling centre. The “ista in school” programme again ran throughout the year, with employees giving lessons in schools and informing kindergarten and school kids interactively about energy consumption.