"We are bringing artificial intelligence into the boiler room," says Hagen Lessing, CEO of ista. "So far, we have helped our customers monitor their energy consumption - from now on we will additionally support them in optimising their energy consumption. This means that energy savings of 15 to 25% are realistic. Especially for heating systems over ten years old, emissions can be significantly reduced immediately - before a comprehensive energy refurbishment is perhaps due in a few years."
The service consists of hardware and software that can be installed and commissioned in the existing infrastructure within a few hours. The intelligent control works with almost any standard heating system and is entirely independent of which metering service looks after the building. Then the energy saving can begin: Thanks to intelligent algorithms, the heating system supplies only as much heat as is needed. This is because the system can, for example, determine heating habits and weather conditions as well as the maximum and minimum demand independently, continuously and in advance. On this basis, the heating system can constantly be operated at the optimum operating point, thus continually saving energy and emissions.
"In Spain, ista has been offering the service since 2021 with consistently positive experiences. Significant savings have been achieved in the 60 buildings equipped, regardless of the boiler used - up to 35 percent at peak," says Oliver Schlodder, Chief Sales Officer (CSO) and member of ista's Executive Board. "Various rollout projects in Germany, Italy and the UK are already in the pipeline." The service is also to be offered in France, Austria and Switzerland before the end of the year. The transaction closed on January 1, 2023, and the parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.