We find solu­tions for a sus­tain­able fu­ture.

With our smart team.

The fu­ture is a team task.

Re­gard­less of whether as a ju­nior or an ex­per­i­enced man­ager, we offer the right entry on every level, in an in­ter­est­ing in­dustry in which in­nov­at­ive tech­no­lo­gies, cli­mate pro­tec­tion and sus­tain­ab­il­ity take centre stage. We are al­ways look­ing for com­mit­ted col­leagues for our world­wide loc­a­tions, people who want to re­think how we handle en­ergy and re­sources. And who, to­gether with us, want to make build­ings sus­tain­able and future-​proof for own­ers and ten­ants.

Train­ing & De­vel­op­ment

We want our em­ploy­ees to be suc­cess­ful and enjoy what they are doing. So we provide a pro­fes­sional en­vir­on­ment where staff work to­gether on equal terms. We sup­port our em­ploy­ees with a sys­tem­atic vo­ca­tional and fur­ther train­ing pro­gramme so they can de­velop their in­di­vidual po­ten­tial to the full. We focus on activ­it­ies and pro­grammes which are geared to the in­di­vidu­al­ity of each per­son.


We offer people who already have sev­eral years’ work ex­per­i­ence many op­por­tun­it­ies to con­tinue to de­velop, not only per­son­ally but also pro­fes­sion­ally.

You have the op­por­tun­ity to use and ad­vance your skills in spe­cial­ist de­part­ments which are either re­spons­ible for the en­tire in­ter­na­tional group or part of one of our more than 20 local com­pan­ies. Ex­plore our job board for the most re­cent job of­fers or have a look at the local ca­reer web­sites. Please note, most of our local com­pan­ies pub­lish job of­fers only on their local ca­reer web­sites.

Gradu­ates & Stu­dents

Our at­ti­tude to­wards the en­vir­on­ment has a strong im­pact on our lives. At ista we are proud to sup­port a busi­ness that helps to shape a more sus­tain­able fu­ture. ista of­fers cus­tom­ers all over the world in­nov­at­ive ser­vices and products which help to re­duce CO2 emis­sions and con­serve re­sources. Get­ting to know this cru­cial mar­ket as a stu­dent or gradu­ate is not only ex­cit­ing but also serves a mean­ing­ful pur­pose. For us, it is very im­port­ant that you get the chance to put your qual­i­fic­a­tions into prac­tice. Coach­ing on the job, train­ing courses, ex­tens­ive pro­ject work or in­di­vidual feed­back talks are just some ele­ments to sup­port your fur­ther de­vel­op­ment.

Whether work ex­per­i­ence, dis­ser­ta­tion, trainee pro­gramme or dir­ect entry, find the right entry for you at ista.

Ex­plore our job board for the most re­cent job of­fers or have a look at the local ca­reer web­sites. Please note, most of our local com­pan­ies pub­lish job of­fers only on their local ca­reer web­sites.

You are still study­ing or are at the be­gin­ning of your ca­reer? We may not know yet in which dir­ec­tion you want to go. But we know that at ista you will not only find the right entry but also have the op­por­tun­ity to work with us on smart solu­tions for a sus­tain­able fu­ture. As school stu­dents you can spend your work ex­per­i­ence period with us, start vo­ca­tional train­ing or a uni­ver­sity sand­wich course (so-​called “dual course”).

Ex­plore our job board for the most re­cent job of­fers or have a look at the local ca­reer web­sites. Please note, most of our local com­pan­ies pub­lish job of­fers only on their local ca­reer web­sites.


Would you like to get your first in­sights into work­ing life? Through an in­tern­ship at ista you will gain im­port­ant ex­per­i­ence and get to know the pro­cesses in one of the lead­ing in­ter­na­tional tech­no­logy com­pan­ies for the real es­tate in­dustry. Many loc­a­tions offer this op­por­tun­ity! The best way to find out more is to visit the re­spect­ive coun­try site.

Look­ing for new chal­lenges?

From train­ing to man­age­ment ac­count­ing, IT and cus­tomer ser­vice through to sales. ista of­fers a large num­ber of in­ter­est­ing pos­sib­il­it­ies – find the right po­s­i­tion for you too.