The picture shows a young man leaning against a glass railing and holding a small tablet with a white cover in his hand. He is smiling and looking into the distance. The man has short brown hair and a short brown beard and is wearing a beige suit with a white t-shirt underneath. Since the photo was taken from a frog's-eye view, you can see a tall, modern office building made of light-coloured stone with four rows of large windows in the background.

Intelligente Lösungen für intelligente Einsparungen.

Nutzen Sie die Zukunft des Energiemanagements mit intelligenten Geräten und automatisierten Services, um Ihre Immobilie zukunftssicher zu machen. Optimieren Sie Ihre Ergebnisse durch Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz und Senkung der Kosten.

Verbrauchssenkung mit intelligenten Zählern

Energieeffizienz und Kostensenkung

Modernste intelligente Geräte

Zukunftssicherung Ihrer Immobilie

Steigern Sie die Energeieffizienz mit den bewährten Energielösungen von ista.

Die effiziente Verwaltung von Wohnimmobilien ist mit zahlreichen Herausforderungen verbunden, von der Aufrechterhaltung eines kosteneffizienten Betriebs bis hin zur Gewährleistung der Mieterzufriedenheit und der Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften. Immobilienverwalter und -eigentümer stehen häufig vor der Herausforderung, den Energieverbrauch zu optimieren, Abrechnungsprozesse zu rationalisieren und mit den dynamischen Anforderungen des Immobilienmarktes Schritt zu halten.

Diese Herausforderungen erfordern ausgefeilte, integrierte Lösungen, die sowohl der Komplexität des Immobilienmanagements als auch den sich wandelnden Bedürfnissen der Bewohner gerecht werden. ista stellt sich diesen Herausforderungen mit einem umfassenden Angebot an Instrumenten und Technologien, die speziell auf die Wohnungswirtschaft zugeschnitten sind.

Sparen Sie mit den intelligenten Services von ista mehr Energie in Ihrer Immobilie.

Mit unseren umfassenden Services können Sie ganz beruhigt sein, denn Sie wissen, dass Ihre Abrechnungen und Versorgungskosten in guten Händen sind und Sie sich auf andere wichtige Aspekte der Hausverwaltung konzentrieren können.

The picture shows a woman sitting on a couch and reading the ista heating bill. She has long blonde hair and is wearing black glasses. Her top is a blue shirt and she is wearing brown trousers. While she holds the heating bill in her left hand, her right hand rests on her chin. She looks directly into the camera. The beige couch on which she is sitting stretches across the entire lower third of the picture and has a white blanket draped over the back on the left with a yellow cushion leaning against it. In the background are various pieces of furniture that suggest a living room: A floor lamp and a shelf can be seen on the right, and in the centre an open two-part door leading into another room with bookshelves. The entire background is blurred.


Optimierung Ihrer Heizkostenabrechnung mit unserem Abrechnungsservice.

The picture shows a relaxed scene in which an elderly woman is sitting comfortably on the floor. She is turned sideways to the camera and leaning slightly backwards against a white cupboard. Her right arm is bent while she holds the tablet in both hands and touches the screen with the fingers of her right hand. The woman is wearing glasses with red frames and a blue and white striped shirt. Her hair is short and blonde and she smiles as she looks at the tablet. There are several green plants in pots in the background. The largest plant is at the top left of the picture, right next to a window. This window allows warm, natural light to stream into the room, creating a cosy and bright atmosphere. Further left in the picture, closer to the foreground, a smaller plant can be seen, which is slightly out of focus and contributes to the warm atmosphere. To the right of the woman, in the background, other blurred plants can be seen, giving the room a fresh and lively look. These plants are at different heights and distances from the camera, adding depth to the image. The woman is sitting in a slightly bent position, with her legs drawn up and crossed. The overall effect of the room is inviting and cosy, which is enhanced by the warm light and the green plants.


Transformieren Sie Ihren Abrechnungsprozess und verbessern Sie die Genauigkeit.

A father and his young child are engaging with solar panels outdoors. The father, kneeling beside the child, observes attentively while the child, with blonde hair, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, uses a small tool to interact with the solar panel surface. The sunlight illuminates the scene, emphasizing the importance of renewable energy and family involvement in sustainable practices. This image highlights the hands-on approach to solar power management, symbolizing a commitment to future generations and environmentally responsible energy solutions.


Erschließen Sie das Potential von Sonnenstrom für Wohnimmobilien.

The picture shows a modern residential complex with several white, multi-storey residential buildings standing on the left and right side of a paved path. The buildings have balconies with dark railings, and some balconies are decorated with plants and furniture. A wide, paved footpath stretches between the buildings and continues into the distance. On the left side of the path are lush green areas and colourful flowerbeds that embellish the space between the buildings. On the right-hand side of the path, young trees are planted at regular intervals, forming a green avenue together with manicured lawns. Other buildings can be seen in the background, completing the urban surroundings of the residential complex. The sky is clear and blue, indicating a sunny day. Overall, the picture conveys a calm and pleasant living atmosphere in a modern, well-maintained environment.


Maximieren Sie die Effizienz und den Komfort Ihres Heizsystems.

A young professional man, wearing glasses and a casual green jacket, is seated at an outdoor café with a laptop open in front of him. He appears thoughtful and focused, with his hand resting on his chin. On the table beside the laptop are a smartphone and a notepad. The background features modern office buildings and greenery. This image conveys a sense of contemplation and productivity, emphasizing the concept of consumption data monitoring in a business environment.


Bessere Hausverwaltung mit Energiemonitoring.

Sind Sie daran interessiert, den Energieverbrauch Ihrer Immobilie zu senken?

Innovative Lösungen, die messbare Ergebnisse liefern.

Unsere digitalen Lösungen sollen unseren Kunden helfen, die Umweltbelastung zu verringern, die Rechtssicherheit in ihren Gebäuden zu verbessern und Energiekosten zu sparen.

The picture shows a man sitting on a balcony in an urban environment. He is wearing a dark blue suit and a white shirt and is sitting relaxed at a small black table on the lower half in the centre of the picture. On the table in front of him are a laptop, a notepad with a pen and a coffee mug. The man has rested his legs on the balcony railing and is holding a telephone in his left hand while talking on the phone. The balcony is richly decorated with plants. On the left of the picture, climbing plants stretch up the wall, taking up almost the entire left side of the picture. Below the climbing plants are several pots of flowering plants and greenery arranged along the floor of the balcony. Above the man, stretched across the balcony, is a string of lights with several light bulbs that extends from the top left-hand corner to the right-hand side of the picture. In the background you can see a row of multi-storey buildings in various shades of yellow stretching across the top and centre of the picture. Behind the buildings is a park-like landscape with many trees that further break up the background. The sun seems to be either rising or setting, giving the picture a warm, golden glow. The view from the balcony extends over the roofs of the city.

Einhaltung von Vorschriften

Der Schlüssel zu einer stressfreien Immobilie.

The picture shows a green, wide and tall meadow with large green trees on the edge of the horizon in the upper third of the picture and a girl running through the meadow. From the upper edge in the centre, bright yellow rays of sunlight stretch across the middle of the picture and bathe it in warm light. In the centre of the picture, a little girl in a knee-length, sleeveless white dress is walking across the meadow with her back to the viewer. Her long blonde hair blows away from her body to the left as she moves. In addition, as she runs, her left arm is loosely behind her back and her left foot is bent upwards so that the entire underside of her foot can be seen at the end of her dress.


Ökologische Lösungen für die Nachhaltigkeit Ihrer Immobilie.