The picture shows a modern office building on a sunny day. The building is in the centre of the picture and takes up most of the frame. It has a glass and metal façade that reflects the daylight. The structure of the building consists of several rectangular glass windows separated by vertical and horizontal metal struts. The metal struts are in different colours, giving the façade a lively and modern look. In the foreground, at the bottom right of the picture, you can see a tree whose green leaves are brightly illuminated by the sunlight. The leaves partially cover the bottom right corner of the building. The sky is clear and blue with only a few small clouds in the top left of the picture. The sun's rays create lens effects that can be seen as bright, circular reflections in the picture. In the upper left area of the picture, at the edge of the building, a few plants can be seen on a roof garden, bringing a touch of nature into the otherwise urban picture.

Prä­zi­se Ab­rech­nung von Ver­sor­gungs­leis­tun­gen in Ge­wer­be­im­mo­bi­li­en durch Sub­me­te­ring.

Mit ista er­fas­sen Sie die ge­naue Nut­zung und för­dern die Nach­hal­tig­keit in Ihren Ge­wer­be­im­mo­bi­li­en.

Ein­hal­tung von Vor­schrif­ten

Ge­naue und trans­pa­ren­te in­di­vi­du­el­le Heiz­kos­ten­ab­rech­nung

Voll­au­to­ma­ti­sche Da­ten­über­tra­gung

Nach­hal­tig­keit durch En­er­gie­ein­spa­rung

Haben Sie Pro­ble­me mit Un­stim­mig­kei­ten bei der Ab­rech­nung von Ver­sor­gungs­leis­tun­gen in Ge­wer­be­im­mo­bi­li­en?

Die ge­rech­te Ver­tei­lung der Ver­sor­gungs­kos­ten auf die Mie­ter stellt bei vie­len Ge­wer­be­im­mo­bi­li­en eine Her­aus­for­de­rung dar. Her­kömm­li­che Me­tho­den füh­ren oft zu Strei­tig­kei­ten und In­ef­fi­zi­enz, was hö­he­re Kos­ten und Un­zu­frie­den­heit bei den Mie­tern zur Folge hat.

ista bie­tet fort­schritt­li­che Submetering-​Lösungen, die ge­naue Mes­sun­gen und faire Ab­rech­nun­gen für jede Ge­wer­be­ein­heit er­mög­li­chen und so für Trans­pa­renz sor­gen.

Si­chern Sie sich mit ista ein prä­zi­ses Ver­sor­gungs­ma­nage­ment und eine faire Ab­rech­nung für Ihre Ge­wer­be­im­mo­bi­lie.

Die Vor­tei­le von Sub­me­te­ring.

Die Im­ple­men­tie­rung un­se­rer Submetering-​Services bringt Trans­pa­renz, Ef­fi­zi­enz und Com­pli­ance für Ihre Ge­wer­be­im­mo­bi­lie und macht das En­er­gie­ma­nage­ment ein­fa­cher und ef­fek­ti­ver.

Un­se­re in­tel­li­gen­ten und zu­kunfts­si­che­ren Ge­rä­te sor­gen für eine rei­bungs­lo­se­re Nut­zer­er­fah­rung.

Mit un­se­ren Kom­plett­lö­sun­gen und der in­no­va­ti­ven Tech­no­lo­gie un­se­rer Ge­rä­te war die Er­fas­sung Ihrer Ver­brauchs­wer­te noch nie so ein­fach. Er­fah­ren Sie mehr über das ista Mess­sys­tem für Ihre Im­mo­bi­lie.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the radio system from ista depicted.


Fle­xi­ble, ef­fi­zi­en­te ka­bel­lo­se Zäh­ler­kon­nek­ti­vi­tät.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the heat cost allocator from ista depicted.


Ver­tei­len Sie die Heiz­kos­ten mit hoher Ge­nau­ig­keit.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the heat-meter from ista depicted.


Über­wa­chen und er­fas­sen Sie den Wär­me­en­er­gie­ver­brauch ef­fek­tiv.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the water-meter from ista depicted.


Ver­fol­gen Sie den Was­ser­ver­brauch mit hoher Prä­zi­si­on.

Kom­bi­nier­ter Zäh­ler

Dop­pel­funk­ti­ons­zäh­ler für die Mes­sung von Wärme und Kälte.

Wei­te­re in­no­va­ti­ve Lö­sun­gen zur Op­ti­mie­rung Ihrer Im­mo­bi­lie.

Un­se­re maß­ge­schnei­der­ten Lö­sun­gen sol­len un­se­ren Kun­den hel­fen, die Um­welt­be­las­tung zu ver­rin­gern, die Rechts­si­cher­heit in ihren Ge­bäu­den zu ver­bes­sern und gleich­zei­tig Geld bei den En­er­gie­kos­ten zu spa­ren.

The picture was taken diagonally upwards towards the ceiling of the office space. As a result, you can see the dark brown ceiling with white ceiling elements and silver pipes stretching across the entire ceiling in the background. In the lower left part of the background, you can see several office desks and glass partitions. You can also see a man sitting with his back to the viewer. On the right, in the background, you can see more glass partitions, more office desks and chairs and a white wall with two large bright windows. The entire background is blurry, as the photo focuses on the man sitting at a white office desk with a light grey laptop in the foreground, from which the photo was taken. The man is wearing a light blue shirt with a dark blue jumper over it and black square glasses. His hair and beard are greying, and he is smiling as he talks to a customer about their Energy-Management-Minute-Review provided by ista.


Ver­wal­ten und re­du­zie­ren Sie den En­er­gie­ver­brauch stra­te­gisch.

The picture shows three blurred vertical metal pipes starting from the left side to the center of the picture. The whole focus is on the right side on the heating-moule Sophia from ista.


Ver­bes­sern Sie die Ef­fi­zi­enz Ihrer Hei­zungs­an­la­ge und op­ti­mie­ren Sie Ihre Kos­ten.

The picture shows a man who is apparently sitting in a café or restaurant with his laptop at a single seat with a glass table. He is sitting at the edge, right next to a window front that can be seen in the background. He is wearing a grey flowing jacket and a simple black jumper underneath. He has short brown hair and wears square black glasses. He is holding his mobile phone to his ear with his right hand and appears to be making a call as he smiles broadly. His left hand is placed on the touchpad of his laptop.


Op­ti­mie­ren Sie Ihre Kos­ten durch stra­te­gi­sche En­er­gie­lö­sun­gen.