The picture shows a modern residential complex with several white, multi-storey residential buildings standing on the left and right side of a paved path. The buildings have balconies with dark railings, and some balconies are decorated with plants and furniture. A wide, paved footpath stretches between the buildings and continues into the distance. On the left side of the path are lush green areas and colourful flowerbeds that embellish the space between the buildings. On the right-hand side of the path, young trees are planted at regular intervals, forming a green avenue together with manicured lawns. Other buildings can be seen in the background, completing the urban surroundings of the residential complex. The sky is clear and blue, indicating a sunny day. Overall, the picture conveys a calm and pleasant living atmosphere in a modern, well-maintained environment.

Bis zu 30 % Heizenergie einsparen.

Verbessern Sie Ihr Wärmemanagement mit dem intelligenten Heizungssteuerungssystem von ista. Nutzen Sie unsere Technologie und unseren umfassenden Service, um nachhaltige Einsparungen zu erzielen.

Reduzierung rechtlicher Risiken

Kompatibel mit den meisten Heizungssystemen


Vollständiger End-to-End-Service und vollständige Einrichtung

Kostenlose Installation und keine Hardwarekosten

Energieverbrauch optimieren und Lebensdauer verlängern mit dem intelligenten Heizungssteuerungssystem von ista. 

Herkömmliche Heizungsanlagen laufen oft mit starren Voreinstellungen, was zu einer Überproduktion von Wärme und unnötigem Energieverbrauch führt.

Das smarte Heizungssteuerungssystem von ista bietet eine innovative Lösung. Es lässt sich problemlos in die meisten bestehenden Heizungssysteme integrieren und regelt proaktiv die Heizleistung entsprechend dem tatsächlichen Wärmebedarf des Gebäudes, was zu Energieeinsparungen von bis zu 30% führt.

Warum mit dem Energiesparen warten? Kontaktieren Sie uns jetzt!

Verbessern Sie Ihr Heizsystem und nutzen Sie diese zusätzlichen Vorteile.

Nutzen Sie das Potenzial Ihrer bestehenden Heizungsanlage und starten Sie mit ista in die Zukunft der Heiztechnik.

Unsere intelligenten Geräte sorgen für einen reibungsloseren Abrechnungsprozess.

Durch die Integration unserer modernen Technologie in unsere Produkte und Services wird die Verwaltung Ihrer Immobilie einfacher denn je. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Produkte und Services zur Verbesserung Ihrer Immobilie.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the heating module Sophia from ista depicted.

Heizungsmodul Sophia

Optimieren Sie die Heizungseffizienz auf intelligente Weise.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the M-Bus from ista depicted.


Zuverlässige kabelgebundene Kommunikation für Messgeräte.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the heat-meter from ista depicted.


Überwachen und erfassen Sie den Wärmeenergieverbrauch effektiv.

The background is coloured in dark blue and on the right side is the water-meter from ista depicted.


Verfolgen Sie den Wasserverbrauch mit hoher Präzision.

Kombinierter Zähler

Doppelfunktionszähler für die Messung von Wärme und Kälte.

Weitere innovative Lösungen zur Optimierung Ihrer Immobilie.

Unsere maßgeschneiderten Lösungen sollen unseren Kunden helfen, die Umweltbelastung zu verringern, die Sicherheit in ihren Gebäuden zu verbessern und Energiekosten zu optimieren.

The picture shows a woman sitting on a couch and reading the ista heating bill. She has long blonde hair and is wearing black glasses. Her top is a blue shirt and she is wearing brown trousers. While she holds the heating bill in her left hand, her right hand rests on her chin. She looks directly into the camera. The beige couch on which she is sitting stretches across the entire lower third of the picture and has a white blanket draped over the back on the left with a yellow cushion leaning against it. In the background are various pieces of furniture that suggest a living room: A floor lamp and a shelf can be seen on the right, and in the centre an open two-part door leading into another room with bookshelves. The entire background is blurred.


Optimierung Ihrer Heizkostenabrechnung mit unserem Abrechnungsservice.

The picture shows a relaxed scene in which an elderly woman is sitting comfortably on the floor. She is turned sideways to the camera and leaning slightly backwards against a white cupboard. Her right arm is bent while she holds the tablet in both hands and touches the screen with the fingers of her right hand. The woman is wearing glasses with red frames and a blue and white striped shirt. Her hair is short and blonde and she smiles as she looks at the tablet. There are several green plants in pots in the background. The largest plant is at the top left of the picture, right next to a window. This window allows warm, natural light to stream into the room, creating a cosy and bright atmosphere. Further left in the picture, closer to the foreground, a smaller plant can be seen, which is slightly out of focus and contributes to the warm atmosphere. To the right of the woman, in the background, other blurred plants can be seen, giving the room a fresh and lively look. These plants are at different heights and distances from the camera, adding depth to the image. The woman is sitting in a slightly bent position, with her legs drawn up and crossed. The overall effect of the room is inviting and cosy, which is enhanced by the warm light and the green plants.


Transformieren Sie Ihren Abrechnungsprozess und verbessern Sie die Genauigkeit.

A father and his young child are engaging with solar panels outdoors. The father, kneeling beside the child, observes attentively while the child, with blonde hair, wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, uses a small tool to interact with the solar panel surface. The sunlight illuminates the scene, emphasizing the importance of renewable energy and family involvement in sustainable practices. This image highlights the hands-on approach to solar power management, symbolizing a commitment to future generations and environmentally responsible energy solutions.


Erschließen Sie das Potential von Sonnenstrom für Wohnimmobilien.