ista — now even stronger to support you in an ever-changing world
For more than 100 years ista has been at the cutting edge of monitoring, metering and consumption.
Now the business is entering an exciting new era with new owners confirmed as Hong Kong based CKI. The family-run Asian firm has been investing in Europe for many years and was attracted to ista’s strategic and sustainable goals to deliver fair and transparent energy for all.
Thomas Zinnöcker, ista’s back-then CEO, described the investment as a “real stroke of luck for ista”. He says: “CKI has bought interests in well over 30 countries and has not sold a single one. So you see they have a very long-term plan.
“We have been recording growth for years. Our aim is to grow slightly more strongly than the market as a whole and we also want to continually expand our customer base.”
Handling so much data across so many countries means ista is very strict on protocols, so our customers’ data is always protected.
“Data privacy is and will always be a very precious asset to us,” says Mr Zinnöcker. “We are not a data collector but help consumers to save energy. That is why our focus is on reducing CO2 emissions and not on data. It is true that homes of the future will be more digital, this leads to fundamental questions to which we as a society have to find answers. We want to make our contribution.”
Ista is a true global player in the fields of metering hardware, data collection and billing platforms and is well positioned in an exciting energy marketplace.
Based in Germany, ista operates in 23 countries and manages data from 44 million devices in 13 million dwellings across the globe. We offer innovative metering hardware, data collection and billing platforms, together with a full treasury service with flexible payment solutions to fit your new build or refurbishment application.
Providing online visibility of your energy and water usage, to help drive reduction in consumption, is a key part of ista’s service.
This transparent approach removes the uncertainty and worry consumers can face over quarterly bills and estimated meter readings. Which is why more and more property managers and housing providers are turning to ista’s unique and innovative solutions to energy metering.
Tel: 800 - 4782 63 (ista ME)